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Boedi Oetomo was founded on 20 May 1908 in Batavia or present-day Jakarta. Boedi Oetomo was founded by STOVIA students, whose characters are Soetomo, Soeraji Tirtonegoro, Goenawan Mangoenkoesoemo, and others.

They are the closest figures to soetomo and his friends. Quoting Boedi Oetomo: The Beginning of The Rise of National Consciousness (2008) by Gamal Komandoko, some STOVIA teachers were concerned to see Soetomo and his friends actively involved in the Boedi Oetomo organization.


"Their failure to 'build' Soetomo and his friends on the path the government wanted would have made them seem wrong in the government's view. Conditions that make their positions become runyam," Komandoko wrote.

Teachers at STOVIA once threatened to remove Soetomo from the campus. They also accused Soetomo of trying to fight the colonial government. Luckily, Soetomo was defended by his friends. They asked to be expelled as well if Soetomo was expelled.

The realization of boedi oetomo was inseparable from wahidin soedirohoesodo. Citing the History of the Indonesian National Movement (1993) by Nyoman Dekker, Wahidin who is a doctor actively spreading the ideals of the establishment of the organization.

Therefore Wahidin has Studie Fonds or Scholarship Foundation. Wahidin's idea was welcomed by STOVIA students in Batavia, especially Soetomo, Goenawan, and Soeraji. After various scales and discussions, Boedi Oetomo was finally established on May 20, 1908.

Boedi Oetomo itself already has a modern organizational structure. R. Soetomo as chairman, M. Soelaiman as vice chairman, Soewarno I (Gondo Soewarno) as secretary I, M. Goenawan as secretary II, R. Angka as treasurer, and M. Soeradji. M. Moh. Saleh, Soewarno II (M. Soewarno), and R.M Goembrek as commissioners.

Boedi Oetomo consisting of STOVIA students is the manager of Boedi Oetomo Betawi branch. while the office of The General Manager of Boedi Oetomo is located in Yogyakarta, which is chaired by the RTA. Tirto Kusumo. Not long ago other areas both in Java and outside Java began to have boedi oetomo branch offices. 2ff7e9595c


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